There was a cool but FALSE Rumor that in mgs3 you could pick "I like MGS1" and Snake would Be Clean shaven in mgs3 to look and feel more like Solid Snake, Well That rumor Inspired me to make this. Requires Snakebite EXE,(either one I uploaded(on my gamebanana profile page) or the one on Nexus) As show in the photo's, this Mod replaces the head of Venom Snake with the GZ Big Boss Head BUT SHAVEN, Do any of you remember this in mgs2 , ↺3 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch) I can get Snakebite set up with Wine, and I can get MGSV to run in Steam.

↺5 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (WiiU) MGSV: Phantom Pain and Snakebite mods Looking a little help here if anyone has gotten Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain working using Steam Play and with the Snakebite mod manager. To create shortcuts to your favorite games! Join us! Our away homes on the interwebs:

MGS2 SHAVER FOR MGSV (NO BEARD) Signup Login ModsĪnd creators, since 2001.