Once your sure everything is functioning properly with vanilla Mass effect, it's also a good time to make a back up of the game folder should you choose to do so. Also if you've never played Mass Effect before please run around a bit in vanilla so you can see what it is the mod is aiming to improve. This is a good time to go in and Max Out in-game graphics settings and choose your gaming resolution (use left and right arrows to see resolutions not displayed in the drop down in game menu) and test any mods you may have installed before MEUITM. Now we can run the unmodded game one time for the game to establish directories, paths, and settings. If you don't the installer will abort as to avoid breaking your game **ġ).

You need reset to vanilla before installing the new version, there is currently no way around this.

**This mod is not compatible with old MEUITM for file structure reasons. Install the main game and any DLC you will be using fresh, especially if you were using any mE3Explorer mods including pre- 2018 MEUITM. Lastly I have included a ReShade preset that I customized specifically for MEUITM to add next gen lighting and effects as best as possible without betraying the original feel of the game while adding some effects to mimic visual styles seen in Unreal Engine 4.Ġ). This mod also introduces soft shadow shaders by daemonjax, tweaked by myself and tweaked bioengine.ini settings for texture streaming and soft shadow setting by me and other various quality improvements by Aquadran all done behind the scenes by the installer ro manually in MEM for advanced users. Then once all the details are added I load up the Character models into Photoshop and paint away texture seams as best as possible. This was all achieved by texture editing (up-scaling, re-painting, adding details, adding texture, adding pattern, and using that to rebuild spec maps, spec power maps, and normal maps). So far I have updated/re-textured: Film grain, Light and Shadow Maps on walls and floors (Normandy Citadel and Feros covered so far), Kaidan, Tali, Garrus, Wrex, Liara, Saren, Benezia, Udina, Council, Anderson, Joker, Chakwas, Geth, Colonists, Scientists, Keepers, Normandy, Mako, many NPC clothings, Geth ship, volus, hanar, elcor, Salarians, Batarians some armors, default character armors including N7 armor (of characters re-textured) and various environmental textures.

I'm trying to fix some of the "uglies" in ME1 and give it the polished look the epic story line deserves. ( Mass Effect Updated/Improved Textures Mod) by Catachrism