The expense of colonizing entire new solar systems could not be met by an one country. Sol's planets had been explored and exploited through piecemeal national efforts. The Alliance grew out of the various national space programs as a matter of practicality. The Alliance is responsible for the governance and defense of all extra-solar colonies and stations. The Systems Alliance is an independent supranational government representing the interests of humanity as a whole. Fortunately for humanity, the First Contact War was ended with a diplomatic solution. The Council quickly intervened, forcing a truce. The turians mobilized for full-scale war, drawing the attention of the rest of the galaxy.

So they were unprepared when the Second Fleet under Admiral Kastanie Drescher, launched a strong counteroffensive, evicting them from Shanxi. The turians believed the handful of ships they defeated represented the bulk of human defenses. Shanxi was occupied, the first - and, to date, only - human world to be conquered by an alien species. The turians followed, quickly defeating the local forces. One human vessel survived, retreating to the colony of Shanxi. When a turian patrol discovered a human fleet attempting to activate a relay, they attacked. At that time, the Alliance allowed survey fleets to activate any dormant mass relays discovered, a practice considered dangerous and irresponsible by Council-aligned races. Humanity's first contact with an alien race occurred in 2157. The past few decades, however, have seen significant improvement due to recent technological advances.

But I think it's the next Mass Effect feels like Mass Effect, and I think making the setting so similar to the original trilogy would be a great foundation.Sea levels have risen two meters in the last 200 years, and violent weather is common due to environmental damage inflicted during the late 21st century. The technical challenges and narrative development could easily just have been the same or worse.

Of course comparing an actual game to a hypothetical isn't fair. (Not the salarians, perhaps, but definitely krogan and asari.) Plus we've never had a Mass Effect game with a non-human protagonist, so we'd be breaking ground there, too.

We'd see all the familiar aliens, locations, and even feature some of the same characters. In terms of setting, playing a Turian in this game would be a lot closer to the original trilogy players know and love than playing the human side. I assume Bioware would make the game from the human point of view, but thinking about it, the brilliant thing to do would be to make the game from a Turian POV. As you may know, early in Andromeda's development one of Bioware's potential ideas was a First Contact War prequel.